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The Turkish get-up (or TGU) may very well be the consummate functional, total-body exercise. After all, it leaves roughly ...

What are biologics? A biologic is a medication made from living materials. These sources include: Plant cells Animal cells ...

April 3, 2024,    Posted by gymclothes The month of blossom is in the air and so is its essence; yes, it is spring again and it is the time to embrace ...

A Change of Perspective by Terry Brown | April 02, 2024 ...

Have you ever wondered about the medicines doctors use to help with severe pain? One such medicine is ketamine, but a lot of people get confused and ask, Is ...

April 1, 2024 is the 40th anniversary of the ...

Living with severe endometriosis made it hard for Annabelle Baugh, who uses they/them pronouns, to feel pleasure during sex. Afterward, they were nauseous, ...

Daily journal prompts are a great ...

"I get asked about this a lot: what do I do when I get stuck? Go to an intermediate program?  I’d rather ask this ...

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common massive sexual health issue that many men are struggling with. This condition has skyrocketed in the past few years. ...
