The 100 Crown Chakra Affirmation is a guided meditation

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Introduction :

The 100 Crown Chakra Affirmation is a guided meditation by Tara Brach that will help you cultivate self-compassion and an open heart. Tara Brach is a Buddhist scholar and teacher who offers insight into how to take care of oneself in an often demanding world. Tara guides us through meditations that focus on the seven chakras in our bodies, starting at the root chakra and ending at the Crown Chakra.

As she leads us through these seven meditations she teaches us to release trauma and develop self-compassion as we work towards peace of mind and an open heart.

Who is Tara Brach?

Tara Brach is a clinical psychologist and author who teaches insight meditation and leads retreats worldwide. She has published several books on the application of mindfulness in daily life and the joy of meditation as a path to self-knowledge and well-being. Brach holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University, an M.A. in spiritual psychology from John F. Kennedy University, and a B.A. in English literature from Reed College.

I am connected to my highest self and the divine source.

I am in touch with my intuition and I trust it.

I express my authentic truth with love and compassion.

I am open to receiving divine guidance and blessings.

I am surrounded by unconditional love and support.

I am a powerful co-creator of my life.

I am aware of the energetic flow of abundance in my life.

I am a channel of divine light and love.

I am an infinite being of limitless potential.

I am deeply connected to my spiritual essence.

I am an empowered healer of my body, mind, and spirit.

I am perfectly aligned with my highest purpose.

I am a beacon of light, radiating peace and joy.

I am worthy of infinite love and divine blessings.

I am a conscious steward of the planet’s resources.

I am an energetic source of healing and transformation.

I am an embodiment of divine wisdom and truth.

I am open to the mysteries of life and the universe.

I am deeply rooted in my spiritual connection.

I am a catalyst for positive change in the world.

I am a powerful manifestor of my highest potential.

I am a vessel of divine grace and healing.

I am attuned to the divine energy of love and harmony.

I am a creative source of joy and inspiration.

I am open to the blessings of the divine realm.

I am connected to the universal energy of life.

I am a divine being of light and love.

I am a source of unconditional love and acceptance.

I am a powerful source of divine healing.

I am open to receiving the abundance of the universe.

I am an expression of divine love and healing.

I am an instrument of peace and harmony.

I am an embodiment of joy and gratitude.

I am an open channel of divine wisdom and insight.

I am fully supported by the Universe.

I am an infinite being of infinite potential.

I am connected to the divine light of truth and purity.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of love.

I am an open vessel of divine creativity and joy.

I am a conscious creator of my life and destiny.

I am deeply connected to the divine intelligence of the Universe.

I am a source of healing and divine guidance.

I am an eternal being of light and love.

I am a powerful manifestor of my highest dreams.

I am open to the blessings of the spiritual realm.

I am a channel of divine energy and light.

I am an expression of divine truth and beauty.

I am an open vessel of unconditional love and acceptance.

I am connected to the source of divine wisdom and guidance.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and joy.

I am a conscious creator of a life of abundance and prosperity.

I am an eternal being of infinite potential and power.

I am a powerful manifestor of positive change in the world.

I am an open vessel of divine grace and healing.

I am connected to the divine light of truth and understanding.

I am aligned with the divine energy of love and harmony.

I am an expression of joy and inspiration.

I am an eternal being of unconditional love and acceptance.

I am an open channel of divine guidance and healing.

I am a conscious creator of my own reality.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and clarity.

I am a powerful manifestor of my highest destiny.

I am open to the blessings of the spiritual realm.

I am connected to the source of divine light and love.

I am an expression of divine truth and beauty.

I am an open vessel of unconditional love and understanding.

I am aligned with the divine energy of joy and inspiration.

I am an eternal being of infinite potential and power.

I am a powerful manifestor of positive transformation.

I am an open channel of divine healing and guidance.

I am a conscious creator of a life of abundance and prosperity.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and clarity.

I am an expression of divine love and wisdom.

I am an open vessel of divine grace and truth.

I am connected to the source of divine understanding and insight.

I am aligned with the divine energy of joy and harmony.

I am an eternal being of unconditional love and acceptance.

I am a powerful manifestor of my highest dreams.

I am an open channel of divine blessings and healing.

I am a conscious creator of my own reality.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and joy.

I am an expression of divine truth and understanding.

I am an open vessel of unconditional love and compassion.

I am connected to the source of divine light and inspiration.

I am aligned with the divine energy of love and clarity.

I am an eternal being of infinite potential and power.

I am a powerful manifestor of positive change in the world.

I am an open channel of divine guidance and wisdom.

I am a conscious creator of a life of abundance and prosperity.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and harmony.

I am an expression of divine love and acceptance.

I am an open vessel of divine grace and healing.

I am connected to the source of divine insight and understanding.

I am aligned with the divine energy of joy and inspiration.

I am an eternal being of unconditional love and truth.

I am a powerful manifestor of my highest destiny.

I am an open channel of divine blessings and transformation.

I am a conscious creator of my own reality.

I am deeply rooted in the divine energy of peace and clarity.

I am an expression of divine light and love.

Conclusion of The 100 Crown Chakra Affirmation :

The 100 Crown Chakra Affirmation by Sarah West is a quick and easy guide for anyone who wants to open up the crown chakra in order to access more spiritual connection and intuition. West provides an overview of what a crown chakra is and why it’s so important to open it up before diving into ten affirmations that will guide the reader through opening their own crown chakra.

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Credit : Source Post

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